On Monday, October 30th, 2023 students, faculty and administrators from the School of Science (SCI) and Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) gathered to celebrate a significant Memorandum of Agreement (MoU), launching the establishment of an International Joint Frontiers Materials Research Lab. The initiative is a true tripartite collaboration between the School of Science (SCI), XJTLU, China, Pusan National University (PNU), South Korea and the Yangtze River Delta Carbon Fiber and Composite Technology Innovation Center (CCIC), China.

This MoU helps strengthen SCI and XJTLU’s ties with a highly respected national level innovation center (CCIC) and brings our international partners from South Korea (PNU) into a research environment that will help us collaboratively catalyze the discovery and understanding of advanced materials for a brighter and more sustainable future.

In the 21st century, frontier materials science stands at the forefront of innovation and discovery. The newly established Research Lab will help address a wide array of global issues ranging from solving energy crises to developing cutting-edge technologies that define and improve our everyday life. The need for frontiers materials is more crucial than ever. It demands the pooling of resources, the partnership of bright minds, and the bridging of cultures. Professor Zhoulin Ruan, VPAA at XJTLU stated: “This promising partnership serves the strategic commitment of XJTLU to internationalization by helping us to further expand our horizons, bring unique perspectives to the discussion table, and foster a fertile environment for collaboration, innovation and discovery.”

Professor Xiaosu Yi, Executive Director at CICC mentioned: “ The School of Science at XJTLU, The School of Materials Science at PNU and the Carbon Fiber and Composite Technology Innovation Center are leading pioneers in their respective domains. By creating an International Joint Frontiers Research Lab, we are not merely combining facilities and resources, but also uniting a wealth of knowledge, talent, and ambition.”

“Carbon is an important matrix due to its high thermal conductivity, low coefficient of thermal expansion, resistance to corrosion, and being lightweight.

In the realm of carbon fiber and composite materials, there are still vast and exciting territories to explore. These materials lend themselves to a wide array of applications, ranging from transportation (including aerospace) to renewable energy (including wind turbines), construction (including bridges and buildings), sports and medical devices.

Therefore, the potential is immense, but to be fully exploited, it requires more than individual expertise. We need an international platform and teamwork that leverages the best of our abilities to accelerate the pace of discovery and especially application.”

(Professor Se-Hun Kwon,Head of School of Materials Science and Engineering, Pusan National University)

(Professor Konstantinos Papadikis,Dean of Design School,XJTLU)

Professor John Moraros, the Dean of the School Science at XJTLU said: “We are creating a new platform for the exchange of ideas, the cross-pollination of research methodologies and stimulating integrated opportunities for international collaboration that will lead to significant research outcomes.”

Through this International Joint Research Lab, XJTLU and CICC make a strong commitment to provide the resources required to help facilitate cross-border collaborations, provide opportunities to train and co-supervise the next generation of young scientists from across the world, and foster a global community of research excellence.

It creates a space, where researchers will feel encouraged and supported to challenge the status quo and push the boundaries of discovery in the field of Frontiers Materials Science that will lead to the betterment of our society by creating a more sustainable and prosperous future.

By Professor John Moraors

Photos:Zuofu Wang

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