Jin Wang


Associate Professor, Ph.D, MBA, CHE, Entrepreneur

Holding a Ph.D. from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and an MBA from the Anderson Business School at University of California, Riverside (USA), Dr. Wang has made significant contributions to the field of entrepreneurship and enterprise education. Prior to joining the EEH of XJTLU, Dr. Wang has shared her expertise in business administration and entrepreneurship with students at esteemed institutions such as Beijing International Studies University, Woosong University in South Korea, and Shanghai University. In addition to her academic achievements, Dr. Wang has demonstrated success in the industry through utilizing entrepreneurial skills, deep understanding of industry dynamics, and analytical capabilities as a shareholder of a petrochemical business in Chengdu, and a co-founder of a wholesale travel agency business in Shenyang, China.
  • Qualifications

  • Experience

  • 电话

    +86 (0)51289167688
  • 电子邮件

  • 地址

    E-5006(TC Campus-Building E)
    Suzhou Dushu Lake Science and Education Innovation District
    Suzhou Industrial Park

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